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Chris Cooper
Chris Cooper ·

Let's be honest: the standard North American diet is atrocious. And if you want to be healthier longer, you need to pay attention to what you eat. There are really 3 types of "diets".

Here they are:

Volume restricted—counting calories. Think Weight Watchers and South Beach. With willpower, people lose weight but often at the expense of lean muscle tissue. This can have negative effects on your metabolism.

Macro restricted—Fat, carbs and protein are tracked, with restrictions in some cases. Examples: The Zone, Atkins, the ketogenic diet and so on.

Time restricted—when time of eating is monitored. Example: intermittent fasting, as well as a newer diet called IFAN—intermittent fasting with adequate nutrition.

Any of these diets can be taken too far, so it's best to address your diet under the care of a qualified coach. At Catalyst, we've discovered that general healthy habits are much more important than any one diet you follow for a short period.

The 3 Types of Diets (and Why Healthy Habits Are More Important)
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Cory Coulter
Cory Coulter ·

Food addiction is real. It affects nearly everyone. Families and society as a whole need to take a serious look at why we don’t prioritize whole, nutrient dense foods.

Thank you for the post.

Jim Mackey
Jim Mackey ·

My personal philosophy ....

1. If you have to use the word 'diet', it won't work.

2. Don't eat it if your grandmother wouldn't recognize it.

3. Try not to eat anything with more than 6 ingredients.

4. Eat your colours.

5. Stop counting calories.

6. Move !

Cory Coulter
Cory Coulter ·

I love # 2! I talk about this a lot.

Andre Riopel
Andre Riopel ·

I have another diet: the car diet. Burns calories, makes you fit, saves you money when you find other ways to get around.

Chris Cooper
Chris Cooper ·

Keeps you out of the drive-thru lane too!


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