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Mariyah Reaz Mariyah Reaz ·

Hi everyone! Now that Spaces will be opening its doors to more people, I thought I should introduce myself on here! 💗

I’m Mariyah, and I was a content writer/educator back home, but I’m currently an English major at AlgomaU and moved to Canada to learn cool things from people with different experiences- I’m glad to have this opportunity. My husband and I moved to the Soo from my favourite island ever, my home, Sri Lanka. 🏝️ We’ve been excited to make the most of this new opportunity in Sault Ste. Marie, which we think is a nice break from the overly populated and heavily “hustle” cultured cities, like Colombo (the city I’m from back home). We really like the laidback yet motivated energy here !

Looking forward to hosting an inclusive space for everyone here, let’s gooo 😉

P.S the picture is us on our recent vacation to Georgian Bay at Tobermory, ON. It was absolutely gorgeous! More on that in upcoming posts.

Georgian Bay - Tobermory, Ontario
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