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Patrick Dal Cin
Patrick Dal Cin ยท

Good afternoon Soo musicians.

I wanted to highlight an opportunity through an organization I've worked with a lot over the years through my involvement in the film industry.

If you're not familiar with Cultural Industries Ontario North, I encourage you all to check out their website as they offer extremely helpful resources for Northern Ontarians. They also host the Northern Ontario Music and Film Awards, a chance to highlight your achievements to others in the industry.

They currently have a program called the Northern Ontario Songwriting Experience (NOSE) which may be of interest to artists in Sault Ste. Marie looking for a great opportunity.

To quote their website: "(CION) is excited to announce a mentorship program that pairs four (4) Northern Ontario-based musicians with acclaimed Canadian songwriters who will work together to develop and record a brand-new, original single."

The acclaimed songwriters mentioned include July Talk, Stefan Babcock (PUP), Witch Prophet, and Gavin Gardiner.

Deadline to apply is January 31st.
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