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Brent Rouble Brent Rouble ·

Too busy to garden? Buying annuals getting too expensive?
Want to grow perennial veggies that come back year after year in our chilly climate?

Here's your guide to low-maintenance, high-yield plants perfect for the Soo:

1. Asparagus: A springtime favorite that can produce for 20+ years! Plant crowns in well-drained soil and mulch heavily for winter protection.

2. Rhubarb: This tart treat thrives in our summers. Plant in full sun with rich, moist soil. Divide every 5-6 years for best production.

3. Horseradish: Loves our climate! Plant in a contained area as it spreads vigorously. Harvest roots in late fall for the strongest flavor.

4. Jerusalem Artichoke (Sunchokes): Easy to grow and frost-hardy. Plant tubers in spring, harvest in fall.

5. Walking Onions: These quirky plants "walk" by replanting their topsets. Plant in full sun and enjoy green onions all season long.

6. Sorrel: A tangy, lemony green that's perfect for soups and salads. Cut back in midsummer for a fresh crop of tender leaves.

7. Good King Henry: This nutrient-rich green is extremely cold-hardy. Use young leaves in salads or cook like spinach.

8. Perennial Kale: Survives our winters and provides nutritious greens year-round. Protect from wind for best results.

Make sure you contain these plants properly to avoid unwanted spread.


Sault perennial veggies
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