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David Ellis David Ellis ·

I have been waiting for this moment, since the 'Cycling Spaces' had its beginning in what is routinely considered the end of the season, when one is perhaps thinking more of skates and skis, than two wheeled pursuits. January is here, and although we are under a metre of snow, it’s time to get ready for the cycling season ahead.

The first of the year is when most training begins for the upcoming cycling season for the athlete, or the adjustment of a new bike for touring or commuting, or the hybrid sport of a gran fondo, riding a long distance, but not a race, as more of an individual achievement. Over the next few months I will discuss that integration. Whether it be for racing, such as bike selection and fit, diet, training, ancillary equipment such as kit (clothing, etc), the type of race (time trial, road race, track racing and their combinations and permutations, or recreational riding the Hub Trail, or your daily commute.

Cycling is perhaps unique amongst most sports. Many sports require an athlete to perform their tasks using an accessory, which is more or less using a rudimentary machine, whether it be a tennis racket, or a baseball bat. However, cycling is one of the very few athletic sports that uses a ‘real’ machine, the bicycle. Therefore, to succeed, it is dependent on the rider or athlete … and the machine … as both need to be performing together. As well, the integration of both, where it be fit and sizing, or the position one takes to improve aerodynamics, or comfort, all play into the equation, making cycling a dichotomy. Almost every cyclist has the ability to ride their machine for its intended purpose, yet to race, one’s ability to meld human and machine into one efficient cohesive unit is many levels above the bicycle’s original utilitarian purpose.

This is huge task, as those variations are immense, as well as the intent of your cycling almost infinite. Therefore, I will focus more on the athletic aspects … IE racing, since that is where I come from within the sport, but a diversion elsewhere is to be expected !

Expect a new post coming soon ….

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Terrance Roode
Terrance Roode ·

Years ago i realized this odd machine thingy can take myself from here :point A to there, point B and have a great time doing it. Love these machines.

David Ellis
David Ellis ·

I see your many cycling posts and I do believe you do ... love these machines !

Terrance Roode
Terrance Roode ·

@David Ellis yea i can look at them in wonder. The perfect machine especially in its simplest form.

Andre Riopel
Andre Riopel ·

Cycling season? It’s now become an all season sport and winter cycling both on road and off road is alive and well.

David Ellis
David Ellis ·

Yes Andre. I do stand corrected !

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