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Jacob McEachern
Jacob McEachern ·

This is crazy: archers from Algoma claimed 15 (!) medals at the provincial IFAA championships!

Well done to everyone who trained and put themselves out there. We're super proud of ya! ( Whether you're an Arrows In Motion shooter or not 😆 )

Asher - Gold U13 Compound Boys
Mack - Silver U13 Compound Boys (hes mistakenly in U10 on the website, waiting for it to be fixed)
Neil - Silver U15 Compound Boys
Bryson - Bronze U15 Compound Boys
Duncan - 4th U15 Compound Boys
Shaniya - Silver U15 Compound Girls
Lochlyn - Bronze U18 Compound Girls (behind 2nd by just 4 Xs)
Lochlyn - 4th U18 Barebow Girls
Jude - Bronze U18 Compound Boys
Karson - 4th U18 Compound Boys
Aaron - 5th U18 Compound Boys
Macy - 11th U18 Recurve Girls
Claire - Gold U21 Compound Girls
Angus - Gold U21 Compound Boys
Emma - 9th 21+ Compound Women
Vanessa - Bronze 21+ Barebow women (with a longbow!)
Jordan - 8th 21+ Compound Unlimited Men
Jacob - Gold 21+ Hunter Men
Steve - Silver 50+ Hunter Men
Lesley - Gold 50+ Hunter Women
Kevin - 5th 50+ Barebow Men
Tim - Bronze 60+ Hunter Men
Linda - Gold 60+ Hunter Women

A few of the archers who came out
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