Look at all those Canadian flags! We are extra, extra proud of Algoma's own Lochlyn Good. The Lancaster shoot is an absolutely massive competition drawing archers from all over the world. These memories will stick with her forever.
Lochlyn fell in love with archery while still in elementary school, but only recently started practicing with barebow equipment. The difference between compound shooting and barebow is something like switching from running cross country to running hurdles. They look similar but take very different, highly specialized skills!
Lochlyn is the Student Athlete Coordinator for Archery Ontario, and became a certified coach last year - Lana & I are thrilled when she joins us for classes & events.
Look at all those Canadian flags! We are extra, extra proud of Algoma's own Lochlyn Good. The Lancaster shoot is an absolutely massive competition drawing archers from all over the world. These memories will stick with her forever.
Lochlyn fell in love with archery while still in elementary school, but only recently started practicing with barebow equipment. The difference between compound shooting and barebow is something like switching from running cross country to running hurdles. They look similar but take very different, highly specialized skills!
Lochlyn is the Student Athlete Coordinator for Archery Ontario, and became a certified coach last year - Lana & I are thrilled when she joins us for classes & events.