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St. Joseph Island
Derek Turner
Derek Turner ·

The Township of St. Joseph Notice - Councillor Vacancy
The Township of St. Joseph is seeking to fill one (1) vacant Councillor position for the remainder of the 2022-2026 term of office, until November 2026. The vacant Councillor position will be filled by appointment by way of application and as a result, no formal election or public vote will be conducted.
Council is inviting those interested to file their names, expression of interest and a brief resume with the Clerk no later than Thursday May 1st, 2025, at 4:00 p.m.
Attention to/For more information, contact:
Amanda Richardson, CAO/Clerk-Treasurer
1669 Arthur Street
P.O. Box 187
Richards Landing, ON P0R 1J0
Phone: (705) 246-2625 x.202
Applicants MUST be a qualified elector as defined in the Municipal Elections Act and must be:
• Canadian citizen;
• At least eighteen (18) years of age;
• Resident of the Municipality, or the owner or tenant of land in the Township of St. Joseph, or the spouse of such a person; and
• Not prohibited from voting (as per the Municipal Election Act) or otherwise by law.
Background Information
The vacancy was created due to the passing of a Councillor of the Township of St. Joseph.
At their March 26, 2025, Council meeting, Council declared one (1) Councillor position vacant as required by the Municipal Act, 2001.

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