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David McCaig Jr David McCaig Jr ·

Curling, Hockey, Football and MORE!

Latest episode of "The Game", the panel features host David McCaig Jr, joined by special guest and Olympic Gold Medalist, Brad Jacobs in the first segment, in the second and third segment respectively, Brendan McCarthy, Alex Parr , Justin Hykel and EJ Russell. This is a commercial free edition of "The Game".

0:00 - 30:39 - Brad shares there is a lot of testosterone on his new team
30:39 - 55:43 - Signs have a place at sporting events
55:43 - 1:17:44 In The Pocket segment featuring Week 11 preview

YouTube link attached below - but you can search anywhere you get your podcasts!
Clips to be uploaded separately - stay tuned!

Team Brad Jacobs
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