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Pride Members

Hosts · 2
Chris Oliver
Chris Oliver, Host

(he/him or she/her) Chris is child and youth worker, and an advocate for people experiencing homelessness and an LGBT2QA advocate. He's also a member of the Sault Pride board of directors and an admin for the Sault Pride Community Facebook group.

Madison Poser
Madison Poser, Host

(she/her) Madison is a local Trans-Rights activist, local entomologist, and a graphic designer.

Members · 88
Aaron Bird
Aaron Bird
Aiden .
Aiden .
Alex Flood
Alex Flood
Alexa Ford
Alexa Ford
Aliesha Moore
Amanda Zuke
Amy G. Dalla
Amy G. Dalla
Andrea Popejoy
Andrew Stuetz
Andrew Stuetz
Angelina Bel
Angelina Bel
Austin Scotland
Austin Scotland
Benjamin Schmidt
Benjamin Schmidt