Surviving a Canadian Winter 101 ( Tips for a Newcomer Family)
1. Dress appropriately- this is not a fashion want to preserve your toes and fingers. Layer up and dress appropriately for the weather.
2. Moisturize Moisturize!! Your skin will get very need to keep it nice and moist to avoid cracking/bleeding skin.
3. CHAPTICK/ LIP Care- ensure that you wear proper lip balms when going out. The wind can be brutal on your lips.
4. Remove all wet clothing/ footwear once. Please remove all wet/damp clothing and footwear once inside.
5. Go OUTSIDE- DO NOT STAY inside hiding from the cold/Winter. Go out- build a snowman, do a winter sport...enjoy your time outside in the winter. Most importantly: Create memories with your kids.
Bonus Tip: Drink a nice hot cup of bush tea once inside. I honestly cannot tell you how much better I feel once I'm back inside, having my favorite herbal/bush tea. It just makes me feel nice and toasty on the inside.
Please share some Winter survival tips with our newcomers below.
Picture: My sweet babyboy enjoying the snow this morning
Surviving a Canadian Winter 101
( Tips for a Newcomer Family)
1. Dress appropriately- this is not a fashion want to preserve your toes and fingers. Layer up and dress appropriately for the weather.
2. Moisturize Moisturize!! Your skin will get very need to keep it nice and moist to avoid cracking/bleeding skin.
3. CHAPTICK/ LIP Care- ensure that you wear proper lip balms when going out. The wind can be brutal on your lips.
4. Remove all wet clothing/ footwear once. Please remove all wet/damp clothing and footwear once inside.
5. Go OUTSIDE- DO NOT STAY inside hiding from the cold/Winter. Go out- build a snowman, do a winter sport...enjoy your time outside in the winter. Most importantly: Create memories with your kids.
Bonus Tip: Drink a nice hot cup of bush tea once inside. I honestly cannot tell you how much better I feel once I'm back inside, having my favorite herbal/bush tea. It just makes me feel nice and toasty on the inside.
Please share some Winter survival tips with our newcomers below.
Picture: My sweet babyboy enjoying the snow this morning