Jim Mackey
Maybe not wasted time. You don't want it to germinate immediately before the ground freezes, but spreading seed on cold/frozen ground works well. It's called dormant seeding. It will sprout in the spring.

Eric Moss
Lacy's clover reaction reminds me. I have been considering trying clover, or mixing in clover as I've read that it's more resistant to dog urine. My dog has wrecked my front yard for years now and I suspect it will do the same to my backyard once it's finished

Jim Mackey
@Eric Moss I'm slowly converting my front lawn to clover. Pros : it stays green in drought conditions. It's good for pollinators. It doesn't need much cutting. Cons... It can't stand up to a lot of foot traffic. Cutting the grass when it's full of bees can be an adventure.
Does growing grass count as gardening? We recently had some asphalt dug up and turned into a proper backyard space at our house. What you see is mostly loam fill with a bit of topsoil. More topsoil is on its way.
On Monday evening, I noticed rain was coming this week, so I got out my spreader and a giant bag of seed I had lying around and got to work. Now the rainy weather is doing the work. There is still a layer of topsoil coming to finish the yard, but I figure I will be growing grass for quite a while so I may as well take advantage of the growing conditions.
Thoughts? Did I waste my time?