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Stephanie Andrews
Stephanie Andrews ·

Sourdough isn’t doesn’t have to be daunting.
This is a brand new starter all nice and bubbly directly after its 5th feed.

I start out with 1/4 cup of water (room temp) with 1/4 cup flour (just all purpose flour). The trick is to make the mixture consistency look like pancake batter. If it’s too watery, add a bit more flour. Too dry, add more water.
I personally do not weigh my portions, nor do I discard on the regular.

My starter currently sits on my counter where I feed it once a day. Once it’s ready to use, I’ll bake with it and then stick it in my fridge until I want to bake again.

Now I’m no big pro, but if you have questions about sourdough starters I can try my best to help!
Does anyone else here do sourdough?

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