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Jacob McEachern
Jacob McEachern ·

Is archery a good way to de-stress or meditate?

Yes, 100%! Ask any shooter why they *really* spend time at the range 😄

Maybe you've heard of the kyudo practice of archery or the book "Zen in the Art of Archery". These are incredible, but we don't have to follow the Zen approach to feel better after letting a quiver full of arrows fly:

---Concentration: Archery demands complete concentration on the task at hand—on your form, on the target. The day's worries and distractions fade further into the background with each shot.

---Mindfulness/Self-awareness: During each shot, we focus completely on the present moment, paying attention to breath, posture, and the precise movements involved. We are fully absorbed in the act. This calls for a balance of calmness and strength, and we become more aware of our own mental, emotional, and physical state.

---Focus: The repetitive, highly-focused nature of shooting requires discipline and consistency. Building mental fortitude and patience over time is even more important than increasing physical strength.

---Physical Activity: Archery isn't as intense as a hard run or five sets of burpees, but it still involves physical exertion. This helps release endorphins and improve mood.

---Breathing Techniques: A steady, calm breath is at the core of the shot process. Controlled breathing helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is associated with relaxation and stress reduction.

---Routine and Ritual: Archery involves a certain ritual—preparing your gear, setting your stance, drawing, releasing the arrow. This predictable routine can create a sense of stability and calm.

If we follow the Zen idea of detaching ourselves from the outcome, we forget about hitting bullseyes and just focus on the shooting process itself. It’s about the harmony of the body and mind in the act, rather than the result.

---A Sense of Accomplishment: On the flip side: it feels great to improve! Small wins in hitting the target or improving your form or strength lift us up and defuse feelings of frustration or anxiety.

So yes! If you need to clear your mind and reset your mood, archery is there for you. That's why we call it 'group therapy' 😄

De-stress/Meditation | Arrows In Motion
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