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Inside SooToday
Brandon Walker
Brandon Walker ·

People always ask 'where do you find your stories?'

Social media is one place.

On Sunday evening I was sitting in my car after getting groceries at Metro when I saw a post about a large group of police vehicles parked on Wellington.

Someone also wrote about seeing an ambulance that was escorted to the hospital by a police car with its lights and sirens going.

I decided to drive downtown to see what was going on. I immediately noticed a few police vehicles stationed in different spots.

One of those vehicles went speeding off with lights and sirens going, so I followed it.

It pulled into the driveway of the building at 70 East St. with other police. I spotted one officer with a dog from the canine unit and six or seven officers with large semi-automatic weapons.

I took these photos from inside my car while parked on the road. If I had gotten out I would have missed it since they quickly stepped into the elevator and headed up.

We found out the next day that someone had been shot at the Community Resource Centre on Wellington.

That individual is in serious condition. Police are still investigating.
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